How can I view my website in a browser if my domain is pointing elsewhere?

Once you have purchased a web hosting package with Kirali Web Services, you may like to examine the functionality of the website on Kirali Web Services Servers before switching the website off completely from the old server. In such a scenario, since the domain name is still mapped to the old Name Servers, using the domain name to check the functionality from our Servers is not possible. It is also not possible to access your website using the IP Addresses provided to you from our end. This is because the IP Address assigned to you is a Shared IP Address on the Virtual Hosting Server and it is shared by all the websites hosted on that Server.

At the time of configuring a hosting package, the System automatically assigns a Temporary URL (TEMP URL) which can be used to access the website once you have uploaded the content onto our Server. The TEMP URL is assigned in the format of <domain name>, where os indicates the Operating System you have purchased the package on.

How to locate your Temporary URL?

  1. Login to your Control Panel, Search for the domain name for which you have purchased this Hosting Order and go to the Order Information view. See details

  2. Click the More link next to Web Hosting.

  3. The Temporary URL will be listed in the Website URL field.

You can test the functionality of the website on our Server using this Temporary URL. Once you are satisfied with the performance, you can Modify the Name Servers for the domain name to our Name Servers so that the website can be resolved using the domain name itself.